Delivered meals
Delivered meals are available to people who have difficulty accessing nutritious meals regularly at home.
AccessCare has a dedicated facility located in Bonbeach that delivers healthy, delicious meals directly to your door to support you to live independently.
Supporting you
Looking after your wellbeing is our priority. A vitally important aspect of our delivered meals service is the support you will receive in the event you are not home as expected.
Any time a knock at the door goes unanswered when meals are delivered as planned, our dedicated team follow this up with a phone call to your nominated contact person to ensure you are safe.
You can choose how many meals you would like to receive per week. Some people have meals delivered to cover the full week (delivery Monday to Friday) while others choose to order meals only one or three days per week.
You can also order multiple meals per day if you choose to, or order meals daily for the check in service.
Reducing loneliness with delivered meals
With our service we encourage a daily delivery service as we know that this reduces loneliness and reduces the chances of falls or being admitted to hospital. It's the daily contact with a volunteer who is delivering the meal that is so vital, ensuring social contact and connection each and every day of the week.
It's also very reassuring for families to know that their loved one is being checked in on daily and they will be called if the door goes unanswered.
Am I eligible?
Delivered meals are available to eligible AccessCare clients who have difficulty accessing healthy meals at home on a regular basis.
Is there a fee?
A client contribution (fee) is charged for each meal, dessert and soup ordered. A monthly account will be sent to you or your nominated financial representative. Direct debit payment options are available.
More information
For more information or find out if you are eligible for delivered meals, please call 1300 819 200.